Monday, September 28, 2015

A '31 L.C.Smith & Corona Special Portable Typewriter, In The Desolate Land Of Potatoes


  1. I too envy our friends in the East Coast. I am in the southern most part of the country and typewriters down here might as well be Bigfoot. Wonderful post and equally wonderful Corona! Kind regards,

  2. Sometimes I wonder where the very best place in the US would be to look for pre-war typewriters. New York state? Connecticut? I was recently in Chicago and had hoped to go typewriter hunting and find fabulous Midwestern typewriters. Unfortunately I ran out of time and didn't make it to any junk or antique shops. The only typewriter I saw in Chicago was a Royal 10 at a gallery exhibition and you weren't allowed to touch it.

  3. Seattle is a wonderland of typewriters...many ranging from 1900 to about 1980.
