Tuesday, March 13, 2018

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... a paper fastener?

I was recently inspired by Mr. Munk over at his blog, "To Type, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth...", to try and find yet another "staple" of offices over a century ago to add to my collection: a stapler! Sometimes called a paper fastener. Failing to find one of the shorter Hotchkiss No. 1's or look-alikes for cheap enough, I went for this cheap and dirty thing..

An hour of vigorous scrubbing and polishing yielded a surprisingly clean and shiny stapler, which the lighting in the pictures doesn't do justice. It's got a smooth feel to the pump, so all that's left now is finding some proper staples to throw in it.


  1. Great looking old stapler. I do not recall ever seeing one that ornate.

    1. I thought it looked pretty neat. Alot of detail for just being a stapler.

  2. Looks like your device was made in Germany: http://www.officemuseum.com/stapler_gallery_strip.htm

    1. Those pesky Germans, always making better versions of everything. Thanks for the heads up

    2. Beautiful! Yeah, the Hotchkiss #1 clone I got from American Stationer is also German-made. they really went all out with the scrollwork. (:

      also "one of us, one of us!" :D
